
& Video Lectures

Popular folklore, cooked at an unbearable temperature over and again, garnished with (not so) secret sauces, served in a platter to expose the best parts, are available to purchase as books. If you prefer a more cinematic experience, a well-choreographed version is available as video lectures.


Academic elegance is to have a fancy bookshelf at your office to impress the visitors. What’s more elegant is to have the visitors find out that it is all your creation. Here is what I did to decorate my office, the exhibition now open to all potential buyers with no entrance fee. The exhibition features horror corridors narrating stories that my course students went through or that I was subjected to during research. The exhibition is open for you people to top up the horrors with your own daemons making it more painful for the newer generation, avenging the pains of the older generation.

Autonomous Mobile Robots: Planning, Navigation and Simulation, Elsevier

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Autonomous Mobile Robots: Planning, Navigation, and Simulation presents detailed coverage of the domain of robotics in motion planning and associated topics in navigation. This book covers numerous base planning methods from diverse schools of learning, including deliberative planning methods, reactive planning methods, task planning methods, fusion of different methods, and cognitive architectures. It is a good resource for doing initial project work in robotics, providing an overview, methods and simulation software in one resource. For more advanced readers, it presents a variety of planning algorithms to choose from, presenting the tradeoffs between the algorithms to ascertain a good choice. Finally, the book presents fusion mechanisms to design hybrid algorithms.

Key Features

  • Presents intuitive and practical coverage of all sub-problems of mobile robotics to enable easy comprehension of sophisticated modern-day robots
  • Covers a wide variety of motion planning algorithms, giving a near-exhaustive treatment of the domain with thought provoking comparisons between algorithms
  • Dives into detailed discussions on robot operating systems and other simulators to get hands-on knowledge without the need of in-house robots

Product Details

  • No. of pages: 1,088
  • Published: September 1, 2023
  • Imprint: Academic Press
  • Paperback ISBN: 9780443189081
  • eBook ISBN: 9780443189098

On Road Intelligent Vehicles: Motion Planning for Intelligent Transportation Systems, Elsevier

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On-Road Intelligent Vehicles: Motion Planning for Intelligent Transportation Systems deals with the technology of autonomous vehicles, with a special focus on the navigation and planning aspects, presenting the information in three parts. Part One deals with the use of different sensors to perceive the environment, thereafter mapping the multi-domain senses to make a map of the operational scenario, including topics such as proximity sensors which give distances to obstacles, vision cameras, and computer vision techniques that may be used to pre-process the image, extract relevant features, and use classification techniques like neural networks and support vector machines for the identification of roads, lanes, vehicles, obstacles, traffic lights, signs, and pedestrians.

With a detailed insight into the technology behind the vehicle, Part Two of the book focuses on the problem of motion planning. Numerous planning techniques are discussed and adapted to work for multi-vehicle traffic scenarios, including the use of sampling based approaches comprised of Genetic Algorithm and Rapidly-exploring Random Trees and Graph search based approaches, including a hierarchical decomposition of the algorithm and heuristic selection of nodes for limited exploration, Reactive Planning based approaches, including Fuzzy based planning, Potential Field based planning, and Elastic Strip and logic based planning.

Part Three of the book covers the macroscopic concepts related to Intelligent Transportation Systems with a discussion of various topics and concepts related to transportation systems, including a description of traffic flow, the basic theory behind transportation systems, and generation of shock waves.

Key Features

  • Provides an overall coverage of autonomous vehicles and Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • Presents a detailed overview, followed by the challenging problems of navigation and planning
  • Teaches how to compare, contrast, and differentiate navigation algorithms

Intelligent Planning for Mobile Robotics: Algorithmic Approaches, IGI Global Publishers

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Robotics is an ever-expanding field and intelligent planning continues to play a major role. Given that the intention of mobile robots is to carry out tasks independent from human aid, robot intelligence is needed to make and plan out decisions based on various sensors. Planning is the fundamental activity that implements this intelligence into the mobile robots to complete such tasks. Understanding problems, challenges, and solutions to path planning and how it fits in is important to the realm of robotics.

Intelligent Planning for Mobile Robotics: Algorithmic Approaches presents content coverage on the basics of artificial intelligence, search problems, and soft computing approaches. This collection of research provides insight on both robotics and basic algorithms and could serve as a reference book for courses related to robotics, special topics in AI, planning, applied soft computing, applied AI, and applied evolutionary computing. It is an ideal choice for research students, scholars, and professors alike.


The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to:

  • Autonomous Robotics
  • Data Collection
  • Localization
  • Map Building
  • Mobile Robotics
  • Motion Planning
  • Robotic Manipulation and Control
  • Sensor Fusion
  • Understanding the Environment
  • Unmanned Vehicles

Towards Hybrid and Adapive Computing: A Perspective, Springer

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Soft Computing today is a very vast field whose extent is beyond measure. The boundaries of this magnificent field are spreading at an enormous rate making it possible to build computationally intelligent systems that can do virtually anything, even after considering the hostile practical limitations. Soft Computing, mainly comprising of Artificial Neural Networks, Evolutionary Computation, and Fuzzy Logic may itself be insufficient to cater to the needs of various kinds of complex problems. In such a scenario, we need to carry out amalgamation of same or different computing approaches, along with heuristics, to make fabulous systems for problem solving. There is further an attempt to make these computing systems as adaptable as possible, where the value of any parameter is set and continuously modified by the system itself. This book first presents the basic computing techniques, draws special attention towards their advantages and disadvantages, and then motivates their fusion, in a manner to maximize the advantages and minimize the disadvantages. Conceptualization is a key element of the book, where emphasis is on visualizing the dynamics going inside the technique of use, and hence noting the shortcomings. A detailed description of different varieties of hybrid and adaptive computing systems is given, paying special attention towards conceptualization and motivation. Different evolutionary techniques are discussed that hold potential for generation of fairly complex systems. The complete book is supported by the application of these techniques to biometrics. This not only enables better understanding of the techniques with the added application base, it also opens new dimensions of possibilities how multiple biometric modalities can be fused together to make effective and scalable systems.


  • Well structured preseantion of the basic concepts of Artificial Neural Networks, Fuzzy Inference Systems and Evolutionary Algorithms that enable better understanding of problem solving using Soft Computing
  • Explores the various hybrid approaches one by one
  • Discusses the important traditional and modern evolutionary approaches

Real Life Applications of Soft Computing, CRC

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Rapid advancements in the application of soft computing tools and techniques have proven valuable in the development of highly scalable systems and resulted in brilliant applications, including those in biometric identification, interactive voice response systems, and data mining. Although many resources on the subject adequately cover the theoretic concepts, few provide clear insight into practical application.

Filling this need, Real Life Applications of Soft Computing explains such applications, including the underlying technology and its implementation. While these systems initially seem complex, the authors clearly demonstrate how they can be modeled, designed, and implemented. Written in a manner that makes it accessible to novices, the book begins by covering the theoretical foundations of soft computing. It supplies a concise explanation of various models, principles, algorithms, tools, and techniques, including artificial neural networks, fuzzy systems, evolutionary algorithms, and hybrid algorithms.

Supplying in-depth exposure to real life systems, the text provides:

  • Multi-dimensional coverage supported by references, figures, and tables
  • Warnings about common pitfalls in the implementation process, as well as detailed examinations of possible solutions
  • A timely account of developments in various areas of application
  • Solved examples and exercises in each chapter

Detailing a wide range of contemporary applications, the text includes coverage of those in biometric systems, including physiological and behavioral biometrics. It also examines applications in legal threat assessment, robotic path planning, and navigation control. The authors consider fusion methods in biometrics and bioinformatics and also provide effective disease identification techniques.Detailing a wide range of contemporary applications, the text includes coverage of those in biometric systems, including physiological and behavioral biometrics. It also examines applications in legal threat assessment, robotic path planning, and navigation control. The authors consider fusion methods in biometrics and bioinformatics and also provide effective disease identification techniques.

Video Lectures

There is a logical betterment to have your teacher banging in complicated technical garbage on you in a nice cozy environment of your room, rather than a classroom. Even though classrooms are experimentally proven to be great places of sleep, the comfort of sleep in your own cozy chair in front of your well-decorated wall is priceless. And the profit is doubled if that’s not your teacher, when learning is purely under the exam pressure or voluntary, and when you have the power to fast forward and speed control the stuff. In pursuit of modern ways of learning and teaching, each as lazy as the other, here are a few series that might be of your interest.

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Multi-Agent Simulations, Swarm and Evolutionary Robotics

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Here we look into the chemical reactions in your brain that make you get attracted to some and make you avoid some others, while you casually take a walk to the college, in most cases reaching the college with no accidents. Different people have different tastes and hence different behaviors, when collectively put together make conflicts and love worth observing with unbelievable macroscopic results. We see how these behaviors evolve with time becoming more interesting to watch. Of course, the aim is to make robots walk around you in a comforting manner, giving the robots a social identity, and extending it to swarms who work for you. We make the robots learn and evolve themselves amidst people of their own or different kind, ensuring that neither the robotic race outdates itself against the Gen Z; nor do these bots need a human programmer who makes those silly programming mistakes that makes a celebritic robot stumble. While the robotic army is being produced, we stick to simulations to foresee the future. Here we look into the chemical reactions in your brain that make you get attracted to some and make you avoid some others, while you casually take a walk to the college, in most cases reaching the college with no accidents. Different people have different tastes and hence different behaviors, when collectively put together make conflicts and love worth observing with unbelievable macroscopic results. We see how these behaviors evolve with time becoming more interesting to watch. Of course, the aim is to make robots walk around you in a comforting manner, giving the robots a social identity, and extending it to swarms who work for you. We make the robots learn and evolve themselves amidst people of their own or different kind, ensuring that neither the robotic race outdates itself against the Gen Z; nor do these bots need a human programmer who makes those silly programming mistakes that makes a celebritic robot stumble. While the robotic army is being produced, we stick to simulations to foresee the future.

1SimulationsH1P1 H1P2 H1P3 H1P4
2 & 3Artificial Potential FieldH2P1 H2P2 H2P3 H3P1 H3P2 H3P3
4Social Potential FieldH4P1 H4P2 H4P3
5 & 6Velocity ObstalesH5P1 H5P2 H5P3 H6P1 H6P2 H6P3
7Vector Field HistogramH7P1 H7P2 H7P3
8Geometric Obstacle AvoidanceH8P1 H8P2 H8P3
9.Programming Robots and Virtual AgentsProgramming Robots and Virtual AgentsH9P1 H9P2 H9P3
10, 11 & 12Swarm RoboticsH10P1 H10P2 H10P3 H11P1 H11P2 H11P3 H12P1 H12P2 H12P3
13 & 14Autonomous Mobile RobotsAutonomous Mobile RobotsH13P1 H13P2 H13P3 H14P1 H14P2 H14P3 H14P4
15, 16 & 17Simulations and ROSH15P1 H15P2 H15P3 H16P1 H16P2 H16P3 H16P4 H17P1 H17P2 H17P3
18, 19 & 20Genetic AlgorithmsH18P1 H18P2 H18P3 H19P1 H1P2 H19P3 H20P1 H20P2
21Particle Swarm OptimizazationH21P1 H21P2 H21P3
22Differential EvolutionH22P1 H22P2 H22P3
23Diversity Preservation in Evolutionaary AlgorihmsH23P1 H23P2 H23P3
24 & 25Mullti-Objective Evolutinaray AlgorithmsH24P1 H24P2 H25P1 H25P2
26MOEA/DH26P1 H26P2 H26P3
27 & 28Cooperative Evolution (Co-evolution)H27P1 H27P2 H27P3 H28P1 H28P2
29 & 30Neuro-EvoluionH29P1 H29P2 H29P3 H30P1 H30P2 H30P3
31 & 32Evolutionary RoboticsH31P1 H31P2 H31P3 H32P1 H32P2 H32P3
33 & 34 Traffic SimulationH32P1 H2P2 H33P3 H34P1 H34P2 H34P3

Artificial Intelligence

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The celebritic course that gives bragging rights to all students to impress the near and dear ones as the wiz-kid who is designing those cool futuristic technologies. This is the vintage a.k.a. the classic version of the offering. We look at the rationality of the human agents searching for the perfect soulmate leading to life pleasures at the earliest time, often seeked by competing with adversaries relying on the ‘good luck’ and ‘bad luck’ factors as per the God’s will; and working while satisfying the constraints of time and budget. We look at the logical inferences in the day-to-day efforts as one prepares an overall plan to salvation, learning from the environment feedback to make the next attempt more likely to be fruitful, while operating in this high chance-driven game

1Introduction and AgentsL1P1 L1P2 L1P3 L1P4 L1P5 L1P6 L1P7
2SearchingL2P1 L2P2 L2P3 L2P4 L2P5 L2P6 L2P7 L2P8 L2P9
3A* Algorithm L3P1 L3P2 L3P3 L3P4 L3P5 L3b
4Adversarial SearchL4P1 L4P2 L4P3 L4P4 L4P5
5Constraint Satisfaction ProblemL5P1 L5P2 L5P3 L5P4 L5P5 L5P6
6Stochastic Actions and Partial Observability L6P1 L6P2 L6P3 L6P4
7Logical AgentsL7P1 L7P2 L7P3 L7P4 L7P5 L7P6
8First Order LogicL8P1 L8P2 L8P3 L8P4 L8P5 L8P6 L8P7
9PROLOGL9P1 L9P2 L9P3 L9P4 L9P5 L9P6 L9P7
10Classic Planning and Backward Search L10P1 L10P2 L10P3 L10P4 L10P5
11Planning Graphs and Partial Order PlannningL11P1 L11P2 L11P3 L11P4 L11P5 L11P6
12Making Complex DecisionsL12P1 L12P2 L12P3 L12P4 L12P5
13Reinforcement LearningL13P1 L13P2 L13P3 L13P4 L13P5 L13P6 L13P7

Motion Planning for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles

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Can’t afford a driver while feel lazy to drive yourself? Have one, but fed up of the daily excuses and bad driving? Your holiday could have been too exciting but wasted worrying about the road, traffic and parking rather than the scenic stuff? Too scared to drive at those rapid highways? Find travelling too sleepy to be driving carefully?

Well autonomous vehicles are coming to your rescue. This series gives you an insight into the technology and what all you could expect in the future. See for yourself if these vehicles can be smarter than you to quarrel with your competitors on road, navigate the most unmaintained and poorly structured roads and drive the hard Indian way!Well autonomous vehicles are coming to your rescue. This series gives you an insight into the technology and what all you could expect in the future. See for yourself if these vehicles can be smarter than you to quarrel with your competitors on road, navigate the most unmaintained and poorly structured roads and drive the hard Indian way!

Soft Computing

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Soft Computing, or better known by the individual constituents of Neural Networks, Evolutionary Algorithms and Fuzzy Logic, is arguably every student/research project’s success and cheat sheet. And the increasing pressures on producing novel systems, often confused with more complicated systems, brings in plenty of ways of combine these techniques in any manner – naturally or forcefully. Immense problem solving capabilities, technology behind every tough looking application title, lots of possibilities to create minor/major variants to quote novelty and lots of areas to research. Find out more about the technology and use it for your problem of choice.

2Expert Systems, Machine Learning and Pattern MatchingView
3Machine learning (cont) and Graph Search MethodsView
4Graph Search MethodsView
5Graph Search Methods (cont) and ClusteringView
6Clustering (cont), Classification, Functional Approximation and OptimizationView
7Artificial Neural Networks – Introduction and ArchitecturesView
8Artificial Neural Networks – Learning and Back PropagationView
9Artificial Neural Networks – Back Propagation and Design PrinciplesView
10Radial Basis Function NetworksView
11Learning Vector Quantization and Self Organizing MapView
12Other Neural and Classification ModelsView
13Evolutionary Computation and Genetic AlgorithmsView
14Genetic OperatorsView
15Genetic Operators and Problem SolvingView
16Optimization AnalysisView
17Optimization Analysis (cont) and Design PrinciplesView
18Fuzzy LogicView
19Fuzzy OperatorsView
20Fuzzy Operators (cont)View
21Fuzzy Systems Design PrinciplesView
22Particle Swarm Optimization and Ant Colony OptimizationView
23Other Swarm Intelligence AlgorithmsView
24Other Swarm Intelligence Algorithms (cont) and Genetic ProgrammingView
25Genetic Programming (cont)View
26Grammatical EvolutionView
27Evolutionary StrategiesView
28Evolutionary Strategies (cont), Adaptation, and Other Evolutionary AlgorithmsView
29Hybrid Computing and Evolutionary Neural NetworkView
30Variable Architecture Evolutionary Neural NetworkView
31Grammatical Evolution Based Evolution of Neural NetworkView
32Evolutionary Fuzzy Inference SystemView
33Evolutionary Fuzzy Inference System (cont), Multiple Neural Network SystemsView
34Neural Network EnsemblesView
35Modular Neural NetworksView
36Evolutionary Multiple Neural Network SystemsView
37Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS)View
38Parallel Evolutionary AlgorithmsView
39Hierarchical Evolutionary Algorithms and Supplementary TopicsView